Analog & Digital Sound

The course offers an introduction to sound theory, acoustics, analog & digital sound and sound synthesis. Related topics will be discussed such as sound waves, room acoustics, filtered sounds, psychoacoustics, analog-to-digital conversion and digital representation of sound. The introduction to analog and digital sound concepts will be accompanied by the presentation and discussion of related works of media art and sound art. 
The goal of the course is to achieve basic knowledge of acoustics, analog and digital sound concepts and how to incorporate these concepts into the own artistic practice.

The course Analog & Digital Sound was created as a lecture for the Tangible Music Lab, University of Arts Linz, Austria. It was part of the master program Post-Digital Lutherie during the years 2021 to 2024.


Some examples of introduction slides:





Artistic Sound Practice

As part of the course the participants are invited to create small audio compositions for each meeting on the respective topics, such as vibration, electricity etc. These compositions are called one-minutes with the goal to encourage media artists to finalize and present audio compositions. They will be presented to the group with a brief discussion. At the end of the semester a compilation with all contributions will be prepared.

One-minutes compilation with 54 musical contributions for the course 23/24  at the Tangible Music Lab.