Digital Sound Synthesis

The course will introduce and explore digital sound synthesis techniques with a focus on musical and artistic expression and interactive applications. We will discuss elements like envelopes, modulation, LFOs, filters, effects as well as sound synthesis methods such as additive, subtractive, wavetable, sampling, physical modeling or granular synthesis. We will practice and contextualize the generation and manipulation of sound, sequencing, multichannel audio, spatialization, composition and Sound Design. Various digital sound platforms can be used, ideally platforms such as Supercollider, but also DAWs such as Ableton or others.
The goal is to familiarize with digital synthesis techniques and the generation and manipulation of digital sound, to collect experiences in utilizing oscillators, envelopes, modulation and filters and effects, and to explore creating, sequencing and interacting with original sounds. 

The final meeting will be a practical sound session were participants apply their knowledge on digital sound synthesis during a group session and final live performance.


The course Digital Sound Synthesis was created for the Tangible Music Lab, University of Arts Linz, Austria. It was part of the master program Post-Digital Lutherie during the years 2021 to 2024.


Some examples of the introduction course slides:







Recording of the final live performance of the class in SS 2024 at Tangible Music Lab.